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Telli Swift – The Fempowerist

NaShaye Jackson

Being a WAG is easy to the eye and to the media, but not as easy to the spirit. Telli Swift gives us a glance of her life as a WAG, a mother, a friend and a business woman. What you see on the E! show is only half of what it takes to manage all of the above.

What’s a Fempowerist? You stand on that pretty heavy.
I’m all about women winning and showcasing their personal power within. I feel like we’re powerful creatures in general. We hold down the household, we take care of the kids and so much more. They don’t give us enough credit for the power that we do have and that we generate. A fempowerist is a woman that sees herself and knows her power. 

What’s the Fempower topic that you encourage most women on?
Believing in themselves and never doubting that belief because it starts from within. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one ever will. It’s important for women to showcase their personal truth, path and reason why.

How do you find balance in your career, your family life and in your personal life?
You kind of just go with the flow, especially when being a mother with kids. Like Nike said, “Just do it.” I know I make it look effortless, but sometimes you are walking around like a chicken with your head cut off and start growing white strands of hair. Girl, it’s stressful but at the end of the day my kids are a blessing. When my career and role as a mom clash, I always find a way to make it work. 

What does self made mean to you?
Self made to me means that you did it on your own.  You sometimes get help, but most of the work and ideas come from you. For example, my fragrance is a collaborative effort with my man but it was overall my idea. I went to the chemist, picked scents and everything else. When he asked “When would it be done?”, I was like “It’s done!” (Laughs) 

What is one of the biggest misconceptions of being considered a WAG?
The biggest misconception would be that everything is given to you by your spouse. 

For me, I had my own platform before I was a WAG. I was already a model, generating my own income and I was actually at a position where I was more well-known than my spouse. It was after that my spouse gained the spotlight. As a wife, I took time to support and help him grow in his career and grow our family. That’s what people don’t really see when being a WAG. We sacrifice our lives and our livelihood to help them grow in their livelihood. Now there are a few women who are amazing housewives but there are a lot more who have their own businesses, career path, and so much more without their man. I am so fortunate to have my spouse to help me in certain areas. 

What would your message in a bottle say?
Always remember who you are! We live in a world now where everyone is trying to be someone else and most people don’t know who they are. Everyone has a purpose on this earth, whatever that purpose may be, it’s our individual responsibility to find that purpose.