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Celebrity Interviews

Stepping out on Faith with Denise Boutte

Michael Cox

Denise Boutte is a multi-talented actress with nearly two decades of working experience in the tough entertainment industry. Sitcoms to films to major voiceover work there is nothing she can’t do. Though this wasn’t her first career choice she is making it a lasting one if I say so myself. If you don’t believe me, just look at her IMDB credits and this woman has worked every year since she started in Hollywood. 

God put me in the right place!

Denise comes from humble beginnings in the small town of Maurice, Louisiana. 

The Choices 

Before deciding on acting as a career path Denise went down the usual rabbit hole of the traditional college route we all fall prey to. “When I first got to college, I said I’m going to be a doctor because that’s what you hear proud parents say of their kids,” said Boutte. This soon changed midway through her first semester. She said they can have it. It was until a girlfriend of hers invited her to a communications class because she thought it would be a perfect fit for Denise. She was correct, and she fell in love with it. 

“I thought I wanted to be an anchorwoman then, but after trying to keep up with the teleprompter I said they can have that.” – Boutte

The Internship set everything in motion

It was an internship at an advertising agency that would create a path from God she didn’t know yet was laid. “I worked at an advertising agency for five years and then God showed me signs he had other plans,” said Boutte. 

“I know you all have cast the models, but Denise has the look we want,” said Denise when the account she represented for the agency requested her to be part of the campaign. She declined when it was proposed to her by her boss, but he informed her it was more of you will do this and not would you like to. 

“It kept happening and happening.” – Boutte

Fossil was the last place she worked at in an advertising capacity when again she was requested to be part of another print campaign. “A local talent agency reached out to us to see if we were interested in representation,” said Boutte. They took the meeting not thinking anything would actually come from it, but to their surprise it did and they were signed. Then the modeling gigs just started lining up for her.

“I think you have what it takes.” – Boutte

After gaining more traction in the industry, her then manager Suzanne told her she has it but she needs to come out to Los Angeles to make it really happen. “She told me she has a house in Los Angeles which I can stay rent free as long as I am pursuing my acting career. It’s my duty to myself to make the move,” said Boutte. 

As a woman who loves to plan and be in control of her destiny, she took him to God’s plan because he put all the proper things in place for her. There was this uncomfortable feeling for Denise to listen and make the move on faith, but she is someone who is obedient to God. “I owe it to God to see this through,” said Boutte. She will tell you she is where she is today because of her obedience and nothing else.

Out of My Comfort Zone!

Denise went completely outside of her comfort zone with the move. She gave herself a year to a year and a half to try it all out and give it her all. “Within that first year that’s when Meet The Browns and Why Did I Get Married happen for me,” said Boutte. With not that much experience or training she proved you can land the part as long as you show up for the part. This was the moment she realized she was exactly where God intended for her to be. 

“That’s the beauty of it all and how things manifest.” – Boutte

Though her trajectory isn’t the average she wants to remind everyone that you just have to keep going and appreciate the journey. Denise said, “You have to keep your eyes open and don’t take for granted the steps you are taking towards your destiny.” There are so many people who want to be in other people’s shoes in this industry, so she cherishes how far she has come and where she is going.