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Photographer in The Spotlight – Sarah Fleming

Editorial Staff

Who is Sarah Fleming?

I’m a Detroit native, Black woman photographer who has been taking photos professionally for over a year. My photography style is mostly editorial style or conceptual work. Outside of photography, I am an MSU graduate with a  Bachelor’s Degree in both Economics and Interdisciplinary Studies and I have a corporate background in Instructional Design and Event Coordination. 

How did you get into photography? Did you go to school for photography or are you self-taught? 

I am a completely self taught photographer. I first picked up photography as a hobby to pass the time. Youtube has been a great resource in learning the craft but practice and experimentation have taught me most of what I know about photography. 

How did you know photography was something that you wanted to pursue full-time?

I saw the amount of opportunity and support I received within the field. Photography had quickly become a passion of mine. Once I began to put in the effort, it didn’t take long to see my skills develop and others to take notice. With that notice came inquiries and business partnerships. Early on, I was very intentional about promoting the shoots that I wanted to be booked for. My most creative works were what people were interested in booking me for. Once I got to a point where I could make the same, or more, from photography that I made in my corporate position I realized that this was something I could pursue professionally as my main source of income. 

What are some things that inspire or influence your art/photography?  

Black women are my favorite muse. I enjoy using lighting, strong composition, and color to capture Black women in a graceful yet powerful manner. My inspiration is typically drawn from movies, architecture, or memories from my childhood. Emotions also play a vital role in my art/photography. I try to capture emotions in the moment while shooting, or create emotion evoking images through the lighting, composition, and colors used in the final photo. 

Is there anything unique or signature about a Sarah Fleming photo? How would you describe your photography style? 

If I had to narrow down my signature, I’d have to say my angles/composition are what feel most unique to me. Regardless of what I am shooting, there is a specific angle that I tend to gravitate towards. From there I always branch out and try other angles to get the shot but in every photo I take, I tend to prioritize certain shapes and lines in my angles when framing. 

Dynamic lighting, vivid colors, texture, and geometric composition best describe my photography style. 

What was your most memorable shoot? What was your most challenging shoot? 

My most memorable shoot was my beauty supply themed shoot titled, “Every girl in the hood had a pair of bamboos”. It was my first time fully conceptualizing a theme and bringing my vision to life in a real life setting. It’s still a shoot that I’m extremely proud of to this day. 

My most challenging shoot was a shoot with a very loosely defined concept. I had a vision and a plan but the execution fell flat. I was not confident in my lighting abilities and the models selected were not ideal for the look I wanted to go for. I still ended up leaving the shoot with a few good shots and one I really loved but it was not the look I intended on getting at all. Although this was my most challenging shoot, I’d say I learned the most from it. This experience made me a lot more detailed when it came to planning concepts. I was also inspired to learn more about lighting. 

What do you do besides photography? Do you have any hobbies or interests?

Photography keeps me quite busy, but I do try to keep my activities and interests varied when I’m not shooting. I enjoy reading, hiking and walking trails, working out, spending time with friends, etc. I also try to find time to dedicate to other creative activities. Lately I’ve been doing a bit of writing and I’ll likely be picking up painting as a hobby sooner rather than later. 

What are future plans or goals you have?

I want to continue to see my reach as a photographer grow to new heights. I’d love to see my work on billboards, TV shows, print magazines, etc. My work has already been featured in a few different publications but I’d love to see more. There are a few brands and individuals that I really want to do work with so a goal of mind is to make all of this happen within the next 5 years. I also plan to get into film making. I’ve been wanting to create my own short horror film so a long term goal for both photography and videography would be to complete that project. 

Outside of photography, another big goal of mine is to get my PhD in Economics to do research on the informal economy in communities of color. I plan to use photography to document my experience while conducting this research as well. 

Do you have any words of advice for aspiring photographers? 

Never stop being a student. The world of photography is so vast, there is always something new to learn. 

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

Don’t be afraid to find inspiration outside of your craft. Read more, watch movies, study your history, get outside, etc. Practicing photography allows you to express yourself and fine tune your skill set but don’t forget to nourish your other senses and take in the world around you.