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Celebrity Interviews

It’s about Faith, Family, and Impact with Henry Simmons

Michael Cox
Image of Henry Simmons

Cox: Henry you have stood the test of time with over two decades of roles that showcase your versatility as an actor. How have you been able to accomplish this as a Black man with your stature?

Simmons: First I have to say it’s by the grace of God that I’m here. I don’t know how people can go through the industry without some kind of faith. First for me it’s important to not take opportunities based on my size alone or things of that nature. This means that I set goals for myself and this requires me to not take certain roles just because I’m black, 6’4 and 220 pounds. As a result, that means there are times when I’m sitting out and have to wait until opportunities arise so that I can seize them. This is where my faith comes in. I’m going through that right now. I say no a lot because there are certain avenues that I want to go down and there are certain challenges that I want.

Henry explained how his faith not only keeps him during those periods of not working but allows for him to pour back into his family. As a father and husband any period he isn’t working it’s the time he can devote more to the.  “ I have two daughters whom I’m able to pour into right now that need me so my off time is dedicated to them, “ said Simmons. 

Cox: Henry it seems like when you don’t get something you see it as a blessing rather than you actually missing your blessing!

Simmons: Mike, listen man there have been times that I have gone out and didn’t get the role only to find out had I gotten that role, I wouldn’t have gotten a greater role down the line. So this is why I always trust in that. 

Cox: What is your moral compass that tells you that this role is either right or wrong for Henry?

Simmons: Oh my goodness what’s funny is that right before the pandemic and the lockdown I had tested for a lead in something where the money was great. I was drawn to that because of what it meant I could do for my family and be a blessing to other people. But I prayed on it because I felt like something was not right. I prayed to god to close the door if the role isn’t meant for me. That’s exactly what he did, he closed the door. 

Henry said something that we have all experienced at least once in our lives. There is a relief we get when we are completely honest with ourselves that comes from accepting certain outcomes in life. 

Cox: How does Henry accept downtime between acting jobs?

Simmons: First of all for me, I can’t have an ego. If you go out for 20 jobs you’re going to get rejected by 19 or even 20. But see what I do is I don’t read too much into getting or losing a job. I look at each job I land as an assignment and the opportunity that comes with it. When I was younger I did look at it like how I could benefit from it, but now I look at it like how I can be a blessing to other people, not just me. Right now I’m not working on any projects and the beauty is that it gives me the time to pour into my two beautiful daughters who need me right now. 

Cox: You stated that if you don’t get yourself spiritually together each day you don’t feel right?

Simmons: Yeah I don’t feel grounded. I feel like I’m always trying to catch up. You know that feeling where it seems like everything is always a step ahead? But when I take the time to get myself spiritually right and that doesn’t have to be half an hour or an hour, it could be 15 mins or 10 mins. I just need to take the time to acknowledge God and let him know that I’m here. It’s me letting him know that whatever he wants to do through me is fine. It seems like when I always do that the tone is set and everything slows down. There is more clarity!

Cox: While we are talking about clarity, when did the love for acting hit you?

Simmons: It’s always been a seed in me and as a kid my dad would always call me to watch movies with him. I saw the love he had for film, not necessarily acting. When I got to college I studied it a bit but never pursued it in terms of a major or career. This is because my family is from the south so I graduated with a degree in Accounting because it was one of those accepted majors where I could make money. But to be honest with you I started working for this big corporation and on the first day sitting at my desk I knew it wasn’t for me. I was like oh no I can’t do this. The crazy thing was when I was on my lunch break I would take the train to Manhattan to audition. This type of auditioning is called a cattle call because you don’t have an agent and you would just show up with fifty plus other people. After several auditions I landed my first job in New York. I put in my week’s notice and moved to New York where I struggled and studied and the rest is history.