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Get to know Kyler Edwards

Michael Cox

When it comes to Kyler Edwards it’s all about the give back! This young rising star college football player only wishes to succeed and excel so that he can help others. He even finds joy in making sure he brings smiles and laughs to any room he steps in because he knows people need good energy. If you ever get the chance to meet him you probably will be greeted with a joke or two because he definitely wants to see you smile. 

I had the amazing opportunity to speak to him and learn about his journey, hopes, and dreams.

Cox: Kyler was basketball always the goal?

Edwards: Actually my first love was football. My dad played in the NFL back in the day and I wanted to follow his footsteps. I started playing football but tore my LCL in the eighth grade and my dad shut it down. That’s when I chose basketball and the rest is history. 

Cox: How did you handle the injury and not being able to play football since it was your dream as a child?

Edwards: I was glad that it happened earlier than later. You know when things like this happen further down the road in your career it takes a mental toll. But I was able to recover and be back fully mentally prepared for what was next.

Cox: Where did you get this spirit of determination and resilience even at an early age?

Edwards: I have to say my father and mother because they are the most determined people I know.

Cox: You want to take your basketball career professional after college, was that always the plan?

Edwards: Yes the plan was always to go to college, get my degree, and play professionally.

Cox: You have built a brand for yourself that has caught the attention of a lot of people, what prompted you to focus also on creating your own brand?

Edwards: It’s because I know that beyond being an athlete I have to have a brand that people can trust. The more they trust my brand the more I can do and give back to the community where I’m from.

Cox: Why is it important for your brand to be about giving back?

Edwards: Where I’m from you see a lot of people who don’t have much. They need help and I know with my success I will be able to give back. The reason why I want to be a professional athlete is because I want to be able to take care of my parents and give back to people in need.

Cox: Speaking of community, you have partnered with Scoop Craft Creamery with a signature flavor March Madness where 11% of the proceeds are given to a black veterans organizations in Houston. Why this cause and organization?

Edwards: It’s because you see a lot of these veterans out on the street homeless with nothing. They signed up to fight for this country and the least I can do is help give them something. 

Cox: You said you care about how you represent yourself to the world, why?

Edwards: It’s because I represent more than myself. What I do reflects black students, black athletes, and most importantly my parents. They raised me to be better so I will always do better