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Beauties of The Month Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Beauty of The Week 1.11.22 – Jibby Ani (Lifestyle Choice)

Michael Cox

How old are you? 
I’m 28 years old!  

What’s your zodiac sign? 

Washington, DC 

Education and current occupation? 
Carnegie Mellon University, Computer Science and Business  

What’s currently on your reading list or podcast?  
Daring Greatly by Brené Brown 

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav  

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid 

What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey  

What got you into fitness? 
I’ve been into fitness since I was young. I actually started my fitness journey at 9 years old when I joined an International Champion Jump Rope team. From there I did volleyball, softball, swimming, then got into weightlifting after college. At the end of 2019 just before the pandemic I got laid off from my job as a Software Engineer and started taking fitness classes to keep me from going crazy while finding a new job.  I started teaching the classes but then pandemic hit and all the gyms closed down. I loved it so much that I started posting fitness content online and the timing worked out really well where a lot of folks were trying to maintain physical and mental health while in lockdown and I was able to provide some support in that!  

How do you stay in peak shape? What’s your workout and diet regime? 
I wouldn’t say I’m in peak shape but I definitely strive to be the healthiest version of me inside and out. I know when I move my body consistently, I feel so mentally and physically strong and that feeling is what keeps me coming back to the gym daily. I work out around 4 times a week doing a mix of strength training and cardio. I’m vegan so I eat a plant-based diet and focus on getting enough protein from tempeh, lentils, tofu, chickpeas, nuts etc.  

What does self-care look like for Jibby? (We love to encourage our readers to take part in self-care)  
I have a note in my phone titled Things I Enjoy. I did a self-audit of my life and started writing down all the things that made me feel refreshed when I did it. Things like getting massages, facials, going to the dog park, meditating, journaling, cooking, and spending time with loved ones. The list goes on and each week I try to check of a handful of the items ensuring I’m focusing on filling my cup, and not just checking off my to-do list.  

What is something you wish you knew before getting into the business of fitness?  
Let go of what others think and find your own path. In the words of Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become”. – Steve Jobs 

Are There any dos and don’ts you would advise others pursuing it? 
DO’S: be open to new opportunities and don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith and bet on yourself.  

DONT’S: let yourself curb your creativity and passions for other people’s opinion of what “good” and “success” look like.  

We are all about black beauty, what does black beauty mean to you?  
Black beauty means I feel the beauty of myself, my blackness, inside and out. I lean into my experiences as a black woman and recognize myself and blackness around me as beautiful.  

With a growing fan base and platform, what is something you want your followers to take away from following you on your journey? 
I’d love my followers to know that they have the power to make positive change in their lives. I went from being laid off, incredibly depressed and not knowing what to do with my life to thriving living my dreams by sharing and encouraging with the world. Anything can change and tough seasons don’t last forever! 

Lastly, what’s next for Jibby? 
I launched a fitness app at the end of last year! It’s called Uplift with Jibby and it includes guided fitness training, plant-based meal plans, and positive community. It’s my baby and have worked on it so hard, I’m so happy to share it with the world.